Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stupidity+teenagers+sleepover thingi+muzic equals to

Management is not responsible for any WTFs or any kind of brain damage.

well its been quite a while. i just got too lazy to post another story. Too lazy to even change my profile picture. well i am feeding you guys with these videos of these two maniacs. i know them well and it almost feels like one of them is me...
So the first video is called Grace headbanging
Its a blend of two best friends who head bang in some way in the middle of the night and mosh and do stupid stuff too...

The second video is called What boys do at sleepovers its all about two best friends waking to the sweet tune of children of bodom (the band playing the song behind) its full of madness and stupid stuff... yet again...

now think what the world is made of and are we better or Saddam Hussein...


Anonymous said...

@.45, DV looks as if he's tryna constipate. And you've got bees on your head.
Now I want to head-bang after watching that.

Second reminds me of Slipknot's Vermilion Pt.I...Cissiee crap man.

Anonymous said...

Pillow fight???????

Pallav said...

Get girlfriends, you two!

Sheesh. Pillow fights!



Pesto Sauce said...

I thought guys spent sleepovvers watching porn

Aj Mercy said...

see you are missing a lot of fun man...

dude its children of bodom... listen to it... its fun...

Aj Mercy said...

@monk-e again...

Dude it was a battle to the death...
Respect ma authoritah...


Trish said...
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PattyAnne said...

interesting lolz :]

Antriksh Satyarthi said...

the best one was where d guy was showing off his middle finger while another of his was up his nose...pity he doesn't have a third hand...[:p]
where would that be?? any one wanna take a guess??

P.S songs is great

Aj Mercy said...


Dude... that was a fight till death...


Aj Mercy said...


Now you know...

sheesh... talk about hentai but porn...


Aj Mercy said...

@ comment deleted...

i know that....

Aj Mercy said...


not hamsters....

Aj Mercy said...

@spase dude...

i'm glad there ain't no third hand...

think good... like killing sum chick...